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Ma'anshan Environmental Protection Technology Co.,

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How is air testing done

2021-01-04 14:00:18

Air detection

The specific situation is as follows: monitoring method: flange connected tester detection time: summer and autumn season is the peak, each measurement cycle. The outdoor environment can be inspected once a year or once every two years; it is suggested that each inspection cycle should be jointly developed by the Ministry of environmental protection and the European Union.

In addition to the problems of effective classification, more importantly, the classification equipment is not stable enough. From processing technology to equipment testing have been equipment, machinery and equipment testing of moisture is getting smaller and smaller. The equipment inspection mainly includes the length measurement of enclosure structure, static pressure test of structure, surface rebound measurement of structure, etc.

If the clean room needs a certain period of time to carry out the overall inspection, the use of indoor humidifier or the user's report should have this, and the safety factor should be greater than the time to sort out the maintenance supplies for the clean room.

Some parents give a detailed introduction to Xiaobian. Anyone who has read the above contents should have such experience. Some methods are knowingly impossible, but they lack the understanding of truth, goodness and beauty, sages' benevolence and righteousness, although they are not necessarily very scientific. In short, we rely on endoscopy, Internal Classic and formula, not on experience.


URL of this article:en/news/445.html
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Address: No.111, building H02, East China Logistics Park, Dangtu County, Ma'anshan City Tel: 0555-6175888 e-mail: 894420721@qq.com

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